Friday, May 31, 2013

Creative Learning #16

Creative Learning on Friday

Welcome to our last Creative Learning on Friday link-up for the academic year.  During the summer, I will begin some new series of blog posts and consider renewing Creative Learning in September.

Last week we had another gathering of creative ideas including:

A DIY Leveled Reader Tutorial from Patricia at Lessons In Homeschooling
As I teach our younger son to read next year, we will be making
several of our own books based on our summer adventures.

Little walnut shell necklaces from Marie at Softearth's World 
 sure to inspire creative with your little one and nature 

Ashley at Life with Moore Babies shared fun ways of teaching children
viewpoints and perspective - a quality needed for good creative writing
and critical thinking skills 

**Don't forget to enter to win a copy of the delightful book by Elsa Beskow The Sun Egg.  The rules for entry and more great children's books can be found here. **


  1. Thanks for featuring our Learning Viewpoints post!

  2. I'm so happy to find your blog! I will be linking up regularly and look forward to seeing the others' ideas!
    ~ joey ~
