Saturday, August 14, 2010

WIP (work in progress) Fairy Treehouse

I started this fairy treehouse for Aidan's birthday in June, with help from my father in-law who provided the branch, and my husband who cut the platforms.  It is still a work in progress, but for now, it is where our fairies reside and play, especially on rainy days when our time outside is limited.  (I will show progress with stairs, ladders, hammocks,a fairy ring, a pond, felted friends, pulleys and more in future posts.)  
If you want to see more fairy habitats, check out  The Magic Onions' annual fairy garden competition.


  1. The fairy treehouse is so nice! ♥ I tried to make a little treehouse for my son years ago, but wasn't successful. Seeing your little treehouse makes me want to try again! :-)

  2. building a toy treehouse takes more time and skill than I had anticipated. As the weather turns cooler and we spend more time indoors, I plan to make progress on the accessories. Thanks for the encouragement :)
