Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Plans Change and Contemplating Art

As we were on our way to Oklahoma last week, our plans changed and we had to turn around and come back to frigid Pennsylvania. Our plans of delightful southern hospitality will wait until next month.

Yesterday, after a couple of days being couped up with only little freezing bursts of outside time, I had to get out of the house. So out we went on a field trip to the Reading Public Museum where there is everything from an Egyptian mummy to a stuffed bobcat to modern art. (And for one more week, an excellent exhibit on the Boy Scouts.)

I let my boys explore, as long as we were in the same room. (I worked hard when they were little at being consistent in teaching them appropriate museum behavior, so now I generally don't have to worry about them in such settings - thankfully.) They each stopped at artwork and just stared, so I let them be. Sometimes we all just need to simply be left to contemplate, dream, and wonder, right?

1 comment:

  1. I like the sculpture too. It's good to introduce museum behavior when they are young with short frequent trips.
