Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Summer Book Giveaway: The Sun Egg

Tomorrow is our last day of lessons for our homeschool academic year, but, of course, the learning will continue as will the reading.  I look forward to restful summer days reading to the boys in the hammock under the willow in the back yard, or peering at picture books by flashlight during a deep-woods night in the shelter of our tent. Books by Swedish author and illustrator, Elsa Beskow, are some of our favorite and I am thrilled to be able to give away a copy of The Sun Egg.  Sonya, from A Toy Garden, generously provides the minibook.

photo courtesy of A Toy Garden

In The Sun Egg  an elf finds a large object in her woods and invites all her friends to come look at it.  Adventures continue to the end of this delightfully illustrated story.

photo courtesy of publisher Floris Books

To enter, leave a comment telling us about your favorite children's book and follow A Toy Garden via email or facebook.  (While I would be pleased to know you follow How the Sun Rose, it is not a requirement to enter the giveaway, but doing so will keep you updated on upcoming giveaways, crafts, and summer fun.)

I will choose a winner the morning of Wednesday, June 5th.  Congratulations to Nancy, who will add another lovely book to her library.

To learn how to use The Sun Egg in storytelling with moving pictures visit Rhythm of the Home.

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Giveaway Day


  1. My favorite kids book was Litte House on the Prairie! I did not know of Elsa Beskow back then, I absolutely love reading her books to my children!

  2. I'm new to your blog, aToyGarden sent me here, but I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts. My favorite children's book is The Seven Chinese Brothers by Margaret Mahy, and my 3 year old daughter's current favorite book is The Country Bunny and The Little Gold Shoes by Dubose Heyward. I'm sure we would both love The Sun Egg - thanks for the chance to win!!

  3. We love The Tomten and The Strawberry Snatcher and The Year at Maple Hill Farm . . . and just so many more. I always love Elsa Beskow's illustrations. Thank you for the giveaway!

  4. I love the book "The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles" by Julie Andrews (Edwards), yes that Julie Andrews. I follow A Toy Garden on FB. I just learned about you through them. I will definitely start following you now. Thank you so much for your giveaway. This book looks amazing!

  5. One of our favourite books! Thank you for your generosity!
    ~ joey ~

  6. My favorite children's book is actually from my own childhood. The Magic Carousel. It is about two sisters who begin a ride on a carousel, and then the horses magically ride off through NYC. Wonderful!

  7. My little girl really loves a book with a very simple story, just couple sentences and a lot of characters from fairytales and nursery rhymes - Birthday Cake. We flip through it almost every day and she finds new things all the time as if she was able to be IN the fairytale world herself.

  8. Loved Girl of the Limberlost by Gene Stratton-Porter as a child. My classes loved Rebecca's World by Terry Nation when I was a teacher. Now I am discovering new favourites with my grandchildren. (following A Toy Garden on facebook)

  9. Oh favorite children's book? Considering I have over 16,000 in my library that will be hard but it would have to be The Chestry Oak by Kate Seredy. A Tree For Peter by the same author is a treasure

  10. Right now my favorite children's book is " A Fairy Went a-Marketing" by Rose Fyelman. The illustrations are beautiful and my 3 year old loves the story of how a gentle fairy buys things (such as a bird) for a very short time and then frees them for good.

  11. My favorite children's book is whoever heard of a fird

  12. My Favorite book growing up was The White Stallion. I must've read it a thousand times!

  13. I follow A Toy Garden on FB!

  14. My favorite book as a child was Stellaluna. My aunt had the book and the stuffed animal that went with it. She would always read to us(:

  15. What a wonderful book! Thank you for sharing on Sharing Saturday!!
