Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Rhythm of the Season - Autumn

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.

~John Muir

Autumn has found its way to Pennsylvania this week. The brisk wind blows colorful leaves off the limb and in swirls before touching the ground as we gaze in wonder on our weekend hikes. Summertime with two young boys is a fun outgoing season, kind of like a big long party of outdoor play, boisterous and energetic. Now, with the onset of autumn our rhythm changes to one in which we draw close, contract if you will, prepare for colder days ahead, and we move more slowly and purposefully. Even our times outdoors are more quiet as we hush our voices to listen to the leaves crunch beneath our feet.

In our home we bring the outdoors in with harvest decorations, thanks to my mother who has always encouraged our family to celebrate the change of the season.

We prepare for our Tree of Thanksgiving found at Rhythm of the Home. And make a leaf-matching game of native trees and how their leaves look in spring and autumn.

The harvest is collected.

The pumpkins are picked.

Now it is time to enjoy the grand finale of nature's colorful show of leaves before we settle in for winter's beauty.


  1. Your autumn decorations are wonderful, I love your leaf matching game!!

  2. You should sell that leaf matching game!
