Friday, January 14, 2011

Winter Nature Table

This is our winter nature table. I thought about putting a lot on it since our holiday nature table was sparse, albeit for a reason. But in an effort to keep our nature table something the boys can interact with, I pulled back and kept it hands-on.

Our table is actually a table/magazine rack. on the bottom shelf we keep a large woven basket full of playsilks that make up a nest for our plush singing
Audubon birds. On the sides we keep favorite all-year-round books and seasonal books.

On our winter table are 2 playsilks (white & purple), our wood bowl with treasures (polished rocks), pinecones, Woodsprite & Snowchild figures by Zooloonaturals. a bit of wool roving, a paper mache deer, a prism, a postcard of a scene from Elsa Beskow's "Children of the Forest" and snowmen made by myself and Aidan out of glow-in-the-dark Fimo. All ready for little hands to expolore.


  1. Oh it's beautiful! It looks wonderfully tactile too. I love the silk pieces and the way you've incorporated books into the seasonal themes.

  2. this looks great! I love your use of the magazine table - perfect!!

    ~Bean (from MDC)
