Monday, October 25, 2010

An Autumn Indoor Tree

Last week we created our autumn tree, as we have for the last two years. Previously, we used real leaves, but this year we made our own, so we could write on them on Thanksgiving. More on that in a future post.
To start, the boys did wet-on-wet painting with yellow, red, and orange (yellow+red). A great explanation of wet-on-wet painting is found at Our Big Earth.
Next, I used a leaf cookie cutter to outline our leaves and cut them out.
Using butcher paper, we drew the tree trunk, which proved challenging for the 5 year old to cut out.

Then came time to put the leaves on. (Notice some are falling to the ground.)
The boys are very proud of their new tree.


  1. Those are beautiful! I have been doing a thankful tree for the past few years. Each member of our family writes what they are most thankful for (or what they love, for the very earliest talkers) Its one of my most treasured traditions. I hadn't thought of painting our own leaves, its a really fabulous idea! I think I'll use this idea in a few weeks when we do our week in leaves for homeschool.


  2. We plan to write what we are thankful for on the leaves as well. Then when we take it down, I will write whose leaf it was and the year so we can look back on them with fond memories :)

    I'm glad to hear others do it as well. Childhood is fleeting...

  3. It is lovely what a wonderful idea. Must have been fun to make.

  4. Oh, I like that! Very nice idea, and it looks great on the wall/door. Looks like the boys had a wonderful time.
