Thursday, March 31, 2011
Spring Nature Table - Renewal (forcythia, fairies & fowl)
Thursday, March 24, 2011
1000 Cranes for Japan and Tutorial
I learned to make paper origami cranes when I was young. After World War II, my father was stationed in Okinawa, where he learned to appreciate Japanese culture. When he retired from the Marines, he brought home several paper origami cranes from Vietnam which we hang on our Christmas tree. As a child he told me of the tradition of good luck they bring.
Yesterday, through the lovely blog Chronicles of a Country Girl , I learned of a Flikr group called 1000 Cranes for Japan, a simple way to show support for it's people. In addition, The Miya Company is donating $5 for every image of a paper crane it receives up to $5000 to Save the Children Japan. Visit this link to find out more: The Miya Company: Save the Children Japan
Also, Students Rebuild is collecting 100,000 actual cranes. They will be woven into a sculpture and the Bezos Family Foundaiton has pledged $2/crane up to $200,000. The money will be used by Architects for Humaity's rebuilding efforts in Japan.See this link for more information: Students Rebuild
If you would like to participate, I have created a paper crane tutorial found here: Origami Paper Crane Tutorial
This little crane is our newest addition to our Spring Nature Table.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
My Sister, My Friend

She is a fun nanny to two girls and a superb crafter, so I introduced her to some Waldorf-inspired crafts:

Our Saint Patrick Peg People

Beautiful Paper Stars

Star Lantern Aglow
My boys love her so much that they call her "Grand" Patti - a step above "Aunt" Patti.
We are not only close sisters, but good friends, despite an 8 year difference. We finish each other's sentences and sound so much alike that as infants my boys turned their heads in her direction when she spoke, thinking it was me. Don't even try to beat us in charedes! We both dream of travel, art, and heaven. We are both lovers of nature, books, and classical music.
I am blessed to have such a delightful life-long friend whom I call "sister."
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
A Room Full of Paper Butterflies
The above quote made me laugh when I read it today! My sister came to visit this past weekend and while I cleaned up, I spent some time at creating a distraction - for her pure enjoyment, of course. Paper Butterflies!
Now, some people would not fully appreciate being welcomed by a dozen paper butterflies hanging throughout the first floor. But my sister did! She has a wonderful whimsical, silly, crafty, side that I enjoy so much.

Want to make them yourself? It is so easy...
For each butterfly choose 2 colorful pieces of paper (I used pages from a home decorating magazine.) Cut out 2 squares, one 6 inces and the other 5 inches on each side.

Next, make an accordion-fold beginning at a corner. Mine were 1/2 inch folds.

Fold a 12 inch pipe cleaner in half. Make a small loop at the bottom and center the small paper square then the large square inside the pipe cleaner. Twist the pipe cleaner above and below the wings and curl the ends for antennae.

Now you have it. Another way to remind us of the joys of nature - I think I will make some small ones for our nature table...
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
No List Today
Today my 2 year old is sick. I don't mean just a little sniffle, but the fever, ear infection, hold-me-all-day sick. So that is what I am doing. Holding. Rocking. Comforting. During these moments, I think. I think about how glad I am that I only have to work when I want to. I think about the upcoming spring bringing warmth and flowers. I think about how thankful I am that my children are rarely sick and are vibrant with joy and energy.
The list is down, the dishes are stacking up, the laundry needs folding. But today, I am holding and cherish every moment of it.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Fairy Treehouse - work in progress
Shady fairies weave a house;
Tiny tree-tops, rose or thyme,
Where the braver fairies climb!
-Robert Louis Stevenson-